Salesforce Einstein Analytics powerful for presentations

Can you replace PowerPoint with Einstein Analytics in your meetings?

Yes…….and you should in my opinion. Powerpoint is an amazing tool if it is used the right way. Unfortunately, I’m already scared when I hear the word alone. Not because I’m not able to use the tool, but of how much time it is going to cost me. And is there really a reason to use it when you have access to Salesforce Einstein Analytics?

I would even say Einstein Analytics is much better for your data related presentation!

Why should you use Einstein Analytics for your presentation?

You can create your complete data story within EA. No need to jump between different tools for your presentation. This will give your audience a smooth experience and you can save a ton of time.

Via presentation mode, you can position your dashboards in a logical sequence and /or you simply add links/jump marks in your dashboard to the page/dashboard with your next story point. For each story point, you can clone the master dashboard and set the initial filters to your original findings. In addition, you should use Markups in the charts so you can emphasize your focus on certain data points you want to pay attention to.

Create narrative headlines so the user knows what you are referring to and explain your insights within the dashboard. If you have several story points within one Dashboard you can leverage the powerful paging functionality to create clones from the master page (currently up to 5, with the next release probably up to 20) and link to it via a button. The integration of pictures is seamless so you can integrate non-data related content easily on the dashboards.

Precaution: In case your internet connection is not working during your presentation create screenshots before of all your dashboards you want to present to have a fall back.

Finally share your completed EA-dashboard with your audience prior your presentation. Your audience has now the chance to walk thru your data story and annotate where they think it is needed. Let them start a conversation/discussion about a certain topic which you can answer prior to the meeting so the meeting time gets uses in the best possible way. The interaction starts already before the meeting…

Presentation-ready in 5 steps with Einstein Analytics

  1. Use the presentation sidebar to create a logic sequence of the dashboards you want to integrate. You can hide dashboards and resort if needed.
  2. Create your story points as links, by clicking on it you jump to the related page/dashboard
  3. Give your audience and yourself a sequential click flow by using “NEXT” and “PREVIOUS” buttons.
  4. Enable Annotations for your dashboard to start and keep the discussion going, it’s all about interactivity and communication.
  5. Use the markup feature for the most noteworthy insights.


Create interactive presentations and drive adoption with leading by example

Finally, in your live meeting, you simply present in EA “presentation” mode to walk thru your findings and discussion points. If you integrate filter to slice and dice you can answer almost every data related questions ad hoc. This way EA can create huge time savings not only for the presenter, the whole audience will benefit. The audience can inform themselves and explore the data by themselves upfront. As a result, the meeting focus will most likely shift to a more in dept and action-oriented discussion. In the same time, you automatically train the audience in the use and best practice of EA which will drive adoption and ROI in the end.

PS: Jeff Bezos from Amazon banned PowerPoint in executive meetings. He consequently follows the brains natural attraction to narratives, no more bullet points. Resulting in a “six-page memo that’s narratively structured” with full sentences etc. to start the meeting.  Worth trying it I would say.

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